It’s our Birthday, Haylo Turns One!
We can’t believe it’s been year since we launched Haylo People. It’s gone so fast, but then again so much has happened!
Launching a new business is never easy, but add a pandemic and a few lockdowns and you’d be forgiven for being pessimistic. But this past year has proved one thing; having a wonderful team, full of energy and optimism can make all the difference, and it did. We’ve had a great start and we’re really proud that all our team aligns with the very reason we started Haylo… putting people and care at the forefront of what we do. And importantly, ensuring we have fun and enjoy the journey!
We’d also like to take the opportunity to thank our wonderful clients too. Some we’ve known for a while, others we’ve just started what we hope will be a long and mutually rewarding relationship.
We’ve learnt a lot in the past year and along the way have gained a better understanding about who we are and what makes us tick. This has enabled us to revisit the way we present ourselves and how we communicate. So one year in, we’ve commissioned a new visual identity, imagery and a swanky new, whizz bang website. As a package this new brand identity better positions and communicate why do what we do. But let us know what you think.
- On 04/07/2022
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