
  • 08/03/2024
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  • Haylo People, HR

Your Ideas Matter, Be Confident!

Regardless of your gender we can all play a large part in promoting equality especially in the workplace. This year’s the...
  • 13/11/2023
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  • Haylo People, HR, Industry News

Congratulations Jo Aitken!

It’s with great joy that we wish our Operations Manager Jo Aitken and her growing family all the...

  • 11/08/2022
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  • Haylo People, HR

We’re A Team Not A Family!

When companies use the word ‘family’ in referring to their employees, the results are rarely positive. The implication is to push...
  • 02/03/2022
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  • HR, Recruitment

Is ‘Hesitancy’​ Holding You Back?

There’s a lot of exciting new jobs out there, but ‘hesitancy’ seems to be holding many people back.Many companies are in...
  • 18/02/2022
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  • Haylo People, HR

It’s OK to Show Emotions at Work

Dr Sigal Barsade argued ‘That It’s OK to Show Emotions at Work’. Her pioneering research proved that feelings have a place...