
  • 09/10/2023
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  • Haylo People, Industry News, Recruitment

Haylo People Grows Out & Up!

For the Haylo team 2023 has been an amazing year for learning and positive change. Our team evolved and grew, which...
  • 19/07/2023
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  • Haylo People, Industry News, Recruitment

Haylo Wins at Recruiter of the Year Awards!

It’s with immense pride that we can announce that Haylo People has won three awards at the Sourcr Recruiter of The...
  • 07/11/2022
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  • Haylo People, Personal Injury

Josh Elliot Joins The Haylo People Team

We're excited to announce that Josh Elliot has joined our growing team! Located in Sydney, Josh comes on-board as Haylo's new...
  • 03/11/2022
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  • Haylo People, Insurance, Recruitment

Recruiting at Pace – CAT Events

It feels like the world switched gears in 2022. Everything seems to have sped-up post pandemic. Many business are seeing a...
  • 22/10/2022
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  • Haylo People, Professional Development, Recruitment

Top 5 Tricky Interview Questions with Laura May

Interviewing for a new role can be quite stressful... actually scrap the 'can be', it is stressful; especially for those who...
  • 16/08/2022
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  • Haylo People, Recruitment

Ghosting, The Spooky Elephant in the Room

You’re half-way through the hiring process and then suddenly... Deafening silence, crickets. It seems that rather than sending a withdrawal or...
  • 25/05/2022
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  • Haylo People, Recruitment

Celebrating The Goodbyes

With an increasingly mobile workforce and career tenures shrinking across the board, leaders are finding themselves saying goodbye to their best...
  • 08/03/2022
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  • Haylo People, Recruitment

Do Women Really Need More Confidence?

The following stats are well known and largely accepted; Men apply for jobs when they meet only 60% of the qualifications,...